Simon Vuragu serves as the pastor of the Chief Shepherd Baptist Church in Chikombedzi, Zimbabwe.




August 2024 Update

Special VisitorsWe were encouraged by our brothers, Joseph Mahlaola (Christ Baptist Church, Polokwane), Joe Zbinden (Steel City BC, Illinois), Mike Kniffen and Ben Kirkpatrick (2nd Baptist Church, West Frankfort, Illinois). These men travelled to Chikombedzi along with William and Sharyn Vaughan. They spent 8 days with us, their time in Chikombedzi was full of activity and a lot of ministry opportunities. We are very grateful to the Lord that He made it possible for this visit and we are left feeling encouraged in the Lord.

Some highlights from the 8 days:

Visitation – this was to some church members who were in need of encouragement and prayer. We were also able to visit the local orphanage in our area, where we got to see the facilities and to hear the testimony of how the Lord is working in the organization as well as in the lives of the children.

Evangelism - some of the brothers took every opportunity to go out into our small town and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone they met. We pray for changed lives! Church Conference - our church members were privileged to sit under the teaching of these men for 5 consecutive nights.

Youth Conference – we were able to take the children and young adults to a river just outside of town where we spent time teaching them and having some fun and games.

Pastor’s Equipping Conference – we were able to spend 2 days with graduates from Chief Shepherd Bible College and local pastors. It was a blessing to spend time building into the lives of these men and to encourage them in their ministry.

Sunday Service – each Sunday School class was taught by one of the visitors and we had a blessed time together. Pastor Joe Zbinden brought the message. We ended the conference with a very rare treat – a cake specially made for the occasion.

Encouraging current students - the last day was spent encouraging our current students.

Food Relief

We are so very grateful to the Lord for providing finances in order to help the many families that have been affected by the severe drought in our area! We were able to deliver food packs in Makhanani, Chikombedzi as well as in Chigwedziva. We were also able to help the local orphanage with some of these food packs.

The Chief Shepherd Bible College

We have started the last semester for 2024. Please continue to pray for the 5 students that are currently enrolled in the Bible College. We are also looking forward to the new intake of 1st Year students in September – please pray for them as they prepare to start their Bible College training, please also pray for financial provision for them for travel and curriculum expenses.

Makhanani Outreach

We continue to visit the area of Makhanani, where we are slowly but surely working through the Bible chronologically. Please join us in praying for those who come to hear, pray that they will come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and that they will turn away from their cultural practices. Please also pray for the young man that we believe is the ideal man for this ministry, pray that the Lord will provide for him to be able to be trained at the Bible College and for him to be able to move to Makhanani so that he will be able to lead this church plant.

Praise Report

We praise the Lord for the fruitful outreach that we had at the beginning of August, for the provision of finances to provide Food Relief parcels to those in desperate need, and for the start of a new Semester at the Bible College.

Prayer Requests

  • That the members of the church will continue to grow in their love for our Lord and that they will remain faithful to Him and His church.
  • That the Lord will continue to provide for the needs of both Pastor Simon and Pastor Mazwi.
  • For the new intake of 1st Year students at the Bible College.
  • That the Lord will provide the means to complete the building of the Education Block as well as for the renovation and upgrading of the church house which will be able to be used for Bible College Staff accommodation as well as for Student accommodation during the sessions.

Thank You

Thank you for your interest in our ministry as well as in us as pastoral families. We are very grateful to the Lord for your faithful support, both your prayers as well as financially. We pray that the Lord will bless you and your supporters for your faithfulness in all that you are doing to extend His Kingdom throughout the world.

Your brothers in Christ,

Simon Vuragu and Mazwi Mlambo

Chief Shepherd Baptist Church

Chikombedzi, Zimbabwe