After hearing Pastor Jeff Noblit's preaching online, Josh Tancordo decided to move down to Grace Life Church of the Shoals to serve as a summer intern. While there, he met his future wife, Becky. After Josh had been mentored in Muscle Shoals for four years, the congregation commissioned Josh and Becky to plant Redeeming Grace Church in the summer of 2014.

After Josh and Becky built relationships and hosted a Bible study in Pittsburgh for two years, Redeeming Grace Church officially covenanted together as a church in October of 2016. Today, Redeeming Grace Church is a gospel-centered church that values rich biblical preaching and authentic Christian community. More than anything, they are passionate about Jesus. They want to see him worshiped, treasured, and exalted. To learn more about Redeeming Grace, visit

February 2025 Update:

This past month has been one of the coldest winters we've had so far in the 10 years we've been in Pittsburgh. One morning was -7 degrees (the wind chill was even lower). Unfortunately, this did not stop Josh from stubbornly doing his morning run, but the cold weather did provide a great opportunity for the indoor fun pictured above! It also made us very grateful for a warm house to live in. 

As a church, we began the New Year with a "24 Hours of Prayer" event at the church building. For 24 continuous hours, we took turns praying for the advance of God's Kingdom in various ways this upcoming year. We had three interactive prayer stations set up in the church auditorium: one for missionaries, one for specific people we'd like to see saved, and one for specific church ministries. 

We also restarted several ministries that had gone on break for the month of December: our Community Groups throughout the week, Awana Kids' Club (for K-6th grade) on Wednesday evenings, and our Systematic Theology seminar on Sunday mornings. Please pray that God would work through all of these in a mighty way to make an impact on those who participate. 

We also look forward to baptizing seven people in the next two weeks. Their testimonies are incredibly encouraging. One of those being baptized is named Leah and was recently saved through Pastor Josh's sermon series through Galatians. Having grown up in a Church of Christ household, she was convinced that baptism (and other human works) was necessary for salvation. However, God used the teaching of Galatians to reveal to Leah that we are saved not through "works of the law" but through "faith in Jesus Christ" (Galatians 2:16).

We look forward to sharing all seven baptism testimonies with you in our next update email! Please pray that these testimonies would speak to the hearts of those in attendance at our church who are not yet saved. 

Finally, we're quite excited about attending this year's True Church Conference in Muscle Shoals in a few weeks. For the first time in several years, Becky will be able to come as well! We also plan to bring four others from our church. We look forward to a wonderful time of spiritual refreshment through the preaching and fellowship. 

As always, we're incredibly grateful for your support of our ministry in Pittsburgh through your prayers. Thank you for co-laboring with us in that way! 

In Christ,
Josh & Becky