Pastor Steve Missios
Grace Life Church of Vienna, Austria
"As a 19 year old Greek young man, I was dreaming about riches, fame and money. So one day, I packed my things and left for a journey. Little did I know that God would direct my steps to come to Vienna, Austria where I heard the gospel for the first time and accepted Christ in my life. After going through three years of bible school, (Bible Institute of Vienna) it was soon evident to me that to be a Christian is more than accepting Christ in your life as it also became obvious in my own personal walk. Not wanting to waste my life and by the providence of God, I came to read a book entitled “Don't Waste Your Life” by John Piper. This is where I came to know for the first time the doctrines of grace and reformed theology. Learning more about the reformed faith made me feel like I was “reborn again” and wanting to serve God with all my heart and all my life. Today, I serve as a bivocational church planter together with my wife Kathrin, and our two daughters Marina & Anastasia (also our labrador dog “Romy”) in our beautiful city, Vienna. With the support of AIT in our ministry, we have Sunday services where I preach and teach God’s Word and also Wednesday’s bible studies where I have the privilege to disciple and teach a group of people. By the grace of God, many have come to know a new life in Christ. Grace Life Vienna is dedicated and striving daily by Gods Grace and for His glory, to be a true church who will proclaim the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light."